CI – Introduction to Theology of the Body 4

Recorded May 10th.

Our discussion was around Chapter 6, “Marriage as a Divine Gift.”

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The author dwells upon Ephesians 5 as a key text in Pope John Paul’s Theology of the Body. We discussed this text more broadly using the same questions as last week for 1 Corinthians 7:

Ephesians 5 for Discussion

Note that this text is an example of a “Household Code” a type of ancient literature in which a male head of household is given advice on how to treat his wife, children and slaves. The author of Ephesians (who was not in fact the apostle Paul, but a later Christian writer) adopts this format to give his own advice:

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Christopher West makes an apology to women for “the way male lust has wounded you” and insists that “men must be willing to sacrifice rather than ever indulge our lusts”. Furthermore, he characterizes “the husband is above all he who loves, and the wife, on the other hand, is she who is loved”, and thus “this means that the wife’s ‘submission’ to the husband means above all ‘the experiencing of love’. ” The group was not convinced that this corresponds with experience.

Finally,  Pope John Paul says that Marriage serves as a model or prototype for all the sacraments. All the sacraments have a ‘spousal’ character since their purpose is to unite the Bride (the Church) with her Bridegroom (Christ). [Note however that the ‘Paschal Mystery’ (the Death and Resurrection of Christ) is generally as the foundation for redemption and for the Sacraments, and Pope John Paul’s teaching does not override that.

CI – Theology of the Body 4c

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